SB420,8,25 24443.09 (title) Examinations and experience requirements for architect,
25landscape architect
, geologist and engineer applicants.
SB420, s. 21
1Section 21. 443.09 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB420,9,52 443.09 (1) In considering the qualifications of an applicant as an architect,
3landscape architect, professional geologist or professional engineer, responsible
4charge of architectural, landscape architectural, geological or engineering teaching
5may be construed as experience.
SB420, s. 22 6Section 22. 443.09 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB420,9,107 443.09 (2) Subject to ss. 111.321, 111.322 and 111.335, no person who has an
8arrest or conviction record is eligible for registration as an architect, a landscape
9architect, a professional geologist or a professional engineer, or certification as an
SB420, s. 23 11Section 23. 443.09 (4r) of the statutes is repealed.
SB420, s. 24 12Section 24. 443.09 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB420,9,2513 443.09 (5) Written or written and oral examinations shall be held at such time
14and place as the examining board determines. The scope of the examinations and
15the methods of procedure shall be prescribed by the examining board with special
16reference to the applicant's ability to design and supervise architectural, landscape
17architectural, geological or engineering work, which shall promote the public welfare
18and ensure the safety of life, health and property. The architect and professional
19engineering examination or examinations shall include questions which require
20applicants to demonstrate knowledge of the design needs of people with physical
21disabilities and of the relevant statutes and codes. Such questions shall be developed
22by the examining board in consultation with the department of commerce. The
23examination for candidates under s. 443.04 (1) (c) shall be the principles and practice
24examination which requires the applicant to demonstrate the ability to apply
25engineering principles and judgment to problems in general engineering disciplines

1and to demonstrate knowledge of the design needs of people with physical disabilities
2and the relevant statutes, rules and regulations. A candidate failing an examination
3may, upon application and payment of the required reexamination fee, be examined
4again by the examining board. No restrictions may be placed on the number of times
5an unsuccessful candidate may be reexamined, except that after failure of 3
6reexaminations, the examining board may require a one-year waiting period before
7further reexamination.
SB420, s. 25 8Section 25. 443.10 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB420,10,169 443.10 (1) (a) The examining board may, upon application and the payment of
10the required fee, grant a certificate of registration as an architect, as a landscape
11architect, as a professional geologist or as a professional engineer to any person who
12holds an unexpired certificate of similar registration issued to the person by the
13proper authority in any state or territory or possession of the United States or in any
14country in which the requirements for the registration of architects, landscape
15architects, professional geologists or professional engineers are of a standard not
16lower than specified in this chapter.
SB420, s. 26 17Section 26. 443.10 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB420,11,218 443.10 (1) (b) The examining board may, upon application and payment of the
19required fee, grant a certificate of registration as an architect, as a landscape
20architect, as a professional geologist or as a professional engineer to any person who
21holds an unrevoked card or certificate of national reciprocal registration, issued by
22any state, territory or possession of the United States or by any country, which is in
23conformity with the regulations of the national council of state board of architectural,
24or engineering examiners, or council of landscape architectural registration boards,
25or of a council with similar national jurisdiction over professional geologists, and who

1complies with the regulations of the examining board, except as to qualifications and
2registration fee.
SB420, s. 27 3Section 27. 443.10 (1) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB420,11,134 443.10 (1) (d) The examining board may, upon application and payment of the
5required fee, grant a permit to practice or to offer to practice architecture,
6professional geology
or professional engineering or to use the title "landscape
7architect" to a person who is not a resident of and has no established place of business
8in this state, or who has recently become a resident of this state, if the person holds
9an unexpired certificate of similar registration issued to the person by the proper
10authority in any state or territory or possession of the United States or in any country
11in which the requirements for the registration of architects, landscape architects,
12professional geologists
or professional engineers are of a standard not lower than
13specified in this chapter.
SB420, s. 28 14Section 28. 443.10 (1) (e) of the statutes is repealed.
SB420, s. 29 15Section 29. 443.10 (2) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27,
16is amended to read:
SB420,11,2417 443.10 (2) (a) Applications for registration or for a certificate of record shall be
18on forms provided by the department and shall contain statements made under oath
19showing the applicant's education and detail summary of the applicant's technical
20work and not less than 5 references, of whom 3 or more shall have personal
21knowledge of the applicant's architectural, landscape architectural , geological or
22engineering experience in the case of an application for registration or of the
23applicant's technical education or engineering work in the case of an application for
24a certificate of record.
SB420, s. 30 25Section 30. 443.10 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
1443.10 (2) (c) The examining board shall grant a certificate of registration upon
2payment of the registration fee to any applicant who, in the opinion of the examining
3board, has satisfactorily met all the applicable requirements of this chapter. The
4certificate shall authorize the practice of architecture, professional geology or
5professional engineering or the use of the title "landscape architect", as appropriate.
SB420, s. 31 6Section 31. 443.10 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB420,12,127 443.10 (2) (d) The granting of a certificate of registration by the examining
8board shall be evidence that the person named in the certificate is entitled to all the
9rights and privileges of a registered architect, a registered landscape architect, a
10registered professional geologist
or a registered professional engineer under the
11classification stated on the certificate, while the certificate remains unrevoked or
SB420, s. 32 13Section 32. 443.10 (2) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB420,12,1614 443.10 (2) (e) The renewal date and renewal fee for certificates of registration
15for architects, landscape architects, professional geologists and professional
16engineers are specified under s. 440.08 (2) (a).
SB420, s. 33 17Section 33. 443.11 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB420,12,19 18443.11 (title) Disciplinary proceedings against architects, landscape
, geologists and engineers.
SB420, s. 34 20Section 34. 443.11 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB420,12,2421 443.11 (1) (intro.)  The examining board may reprimand an architect,
22registered landscape architect, professional geologist or professional engineer or
23limit, suspend or revoke the certificate of registration of any registrant, and the
24certificate of record of any engineer-in-training, who is found guilty of:
SB420, s. 35 25Section 35. 443.11 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
1443.11 (1) (c) Knowingly aiding or abetting the unauthorized practice of
2architecture, professional geology or professional engineering by persons not
3registered under this chapter.
SB420, s. 36 4Section 36. 443.11 (1) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB420,13,95 443.11 (1) (d) Any gross negligence, incompetency or misconduct in the practice
6of architecture as a registered architect, of landscape architecture as a registered
7landscape architect, of professional geology as a registered professional geologist or
8of professional engineering as a registered professional engineer, or in the
9professional activity of a holder of a certificate of record as engineer-in-training.
SB420, s. 37 10Section 37. 443.11 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB420,13,1911 443.11 (2) The examining board may reprimand or may limit, suspend or
12revoke the certificate of authorization of a corporation if any of its agents, employes
13or officers has committed any act or has been guilty of any conduct which would
14authorize a reprimand or a limitation, suspension or revocation of the certificate of
15registration of a registrant or the certificate of record of an engineer-in-training
16under this chapter, unless the corporation submits evidence satisfactory to the
17examining board that the agent, employe or officer is not now practicing or offering
18to practice architecture, professional geology or professional engineering in its
SB420, s. 38 20Section 38. 443.11 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB420,14,221 443.11 (4) If after holding a hearing 3 members of the section of the examining
22board holding the hearing vote in favor of sustaining the charges, the examining
23board shall reprimand or limit, suspend or revoke the certificate of registration of the
24registered architect, registered landscape architect, registered professional
or registered professional engineer, the certificate of record of the holder of

1a certificate as engineer-in-training, or the certificate of a corporate holder of a
2certificate of authorization.
SB420, s. 39 3Section 39. 443.11 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB420,14,124 443.11 (6) The examining board, for reasons the interested section considers
5sufficient, may reissue a certificate of registration or a certificate of record to any
6person, or a certificate of authorization to any corporation, whose certificate has been
7revoked, providing 3 members of the architect section, 3 members of the landscape
8architect section, 3 members of the geologist section or 3 members of the engineer
9section of the examining board vote in favor of such reissuance. A new certificate of
10registration, certificate of record or certificate of authorization, to replace any
11certificate revoked, lost, destroyed or mutilated may be issued, subject to the rules
12of the examining board and the payment of the required fee.
SB420, s. 40 13Section 40. 443.14 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB420,14,1814 443.14 (1) An employe of a person holding a certificate of registration in this
15state who is engaged in the practice of architecture, professional geology or
16professional engineering and an employe of a person temporarily exempted from
17registration, if the practice does not include responsible charge of architecture,
18professional geology
or professional engineering practice.
SB420, s. 41 19Section 41. 443.14 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB420,14,2220 443.14 (2) Officers and employes of the federal government while engaged
21within this state in the practice of architecture, landscape architecture, professional
or professional engineering for the federal government.
SB420, s. 42 23Section 42. 443.14 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB420,15,224 443.14 (3) A public service company and its regular employes acting in its
25behalf where the professional engineering or professional geological services

1rendered are in connection with its facilities which are subject to regulation,
2supervision and control by a commission of this state or of the federal government.
SB420, s. 43 3Section 43. 443.14 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB420,15,124 443.14 (4) Any person who practices architecture, professional geology or
5professional engineering, exclusively as a regular employe of a private company or
6corporation, by rendering to the company or corporation architectural , professional
or professional engineering services in connection with its operations, so
8long as the person is thus actually and exclusively employed and no longer, if the
9company or corporation has at least one architect, professional geologist or
10professional engineer who is registered under this chapter in responsible charge of
11the company's or corporation's architectural, professional geological or professional
12engineering work in this state.
SB420, s. 44 13Section 44. 443.14 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB420,16,414 443.14 (6) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, contractors,
15subcontractors or construction material or equipment suppliers are not required to
16register under this chapter to perform or undertake those activities which
17historically and customarily have been performed by them in their respective trades
18and specialties, including, but not limited to, the preparation and use of drawings,
19specifications or layouts within a construction firm or in construction operations,
20superintending of construction, installation and alteration of equipment, cost
21estimating, consultation with architects, professional geologists, professional
22engineers or owners concerning materials, equipment, methods and techniques, and
23investigations or consultation with respect to construction sites, provided all such
24activities are performed solely with respect to the performance of their work on
25buildings or with respect to supplies or materials furnished by them for buildings or

1structures or their appurtenances which are, or which are to be, erected, enlarged
2or materially altered in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by
3architects, professional geologists or professional engineers, or by persons exempt
4under subs. (1) to (5) while practicing within the scope of their exemption.
SB420, s. 45 5Section 45. 443.14 (12) of the statutes is repealed.
SB420, s. 46 6Section 46. 443.14 (14) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB420,16,107 443.14 (14) A professional geologist person who, while engaged in the practice
8of professional geology in accordance with this chapter , as defined in s. 470.01 (2),
9practices professional engineering, if the acts that involve the practice of
10professional engineering are also part of the practice of professional geology.
SB420, s. 47 11Section 47. 443.16 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB420,16,21 12443.16 Change of name. No person may practice architecture, professional
or professional engineering in this state, and no person who is registered as
14a landscape architect under this chapter may practice landscape architecture in this
15state, under any other given name or any other surname than that under which the
16person was originally licensed or registered to practice in this or any other state, in
17any instance in which the examining board, after a hearing, finds that practicing
18under the changed name operates to unfairly compete with another practitioner or
19to mislead the public as to identity or to otherwise result in detriment to the
20profession or the public. This section does not apply to a change of name resulting
21from marriage or divorce.
SB420, s. 48 22Section 48. 443.17 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB420,17,5 23443.17 Seal or stamp; aiding unauthorized practice. No person who is
24registered under this chapter to practice architecture, landscape architecture,
25professional geology
or professional engineering may impress his or her seal or

1stamp upon documents which have not been prepared by the person or under his or
2her direction and control, knowingly permit his or her seal or stamp to be used by any
3other person or in any other manner knowingly aid or abet the unauthorized practice
4of architecture, professional geology or professional engineering or the unauthorized
5use of the title "landscape architect" by persons not authorized under this chapter.
SB420, s. 49 6Section 49. 443.18 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB420,17,227 443.18 (1) (a) Any person who practices or offers to practice architecture,
8professional geology
or professional engineering in this state, or who uses the term
9"architect", "professional geologist" or "professional engineer" as part of the person's
10business name or title, except as provided in s. 443.08 (6), or in any way represents
11himself or herself as an architect, a professional geologist or a professional engineer
12unless the person is registered or exempted in accordance with this chapter, or unless
13the person is the holder of an unexpired permit issued under s. 443.10 (1) (d), or any
14individual who uses the title "landscape architect" in this state unless the person is
15registered or exempted in accordance with this chapter, or any person presenting or
16attempting to use as his or her own the certificate of registration of another, or any
17person who gives any false or forged evidence of any kind to the examining board or
18to any member of the examining board in obtaining a certificate of registration, or
19any person who falsely impersonates any other registrant of like or different name,
20or any person who attempts to use an expired or revoked certificate of registration,
21or violates any of the provisions of this section, may be fined not less than $100 nor
22more than $500 or imprisoned for not more than 3 months or both.
SB420, s. 50 23Section 50. 443.18 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB420,18,924 443.18 (2) (a) Injunction. If it appears upon complaint to the examining board
25by any person, or is known to the examining board that any person who is neither

1registered nor exempt under this chapter nor the holder of an unexpired permit
2under s. 443.10 (1) (d) is practicing or offering to practice, or is about to practice or
3to offer to practice, architecture, professional geology or professional engineering in
4this state, or is using the title "landscape architect" in this state, the examining board
5or the attorney general or the district attorney of the proper county may investigate
6and may, in addition to any other remedies, bring action in the name and on behalf
7of this state against any such person to enjoin the person from practicing or offering
8to practice architecture, professional geology or professional engineering or from
9using the title "landscape architect".
SB420, s. 51 10Section 51. Chapter 470 of the statutes is created to read:
SB420,18,1111 Chapter 470
SB420,18,13 12Registry of
13 geoscience professionals
SB420,18,14 14470.01 Definitions. In this chapter:
SB420,18,21 15(3) "Practice of professional hydrology" means the performance of or offer to
16perform any hydrologic service or work in which the public welfare or the
17safeguarding of life, health, environment or property is concerned or involved.
18"Practice of professional hydrology" includes the collection of hydrological data,
19consultation, investigation, evaluation, interpretation, planning or inspection
20relating to a service or work that applies that branch of geoscience that primarily
21involves hydrology.
SB420,19,2 22(4) "Practice of professional soil science" means the performance of or offer to
23perform any service or work related to soil science in which the public welfare or the
24safeguarding of life, health, environment or property is concerned or involved.
25"Practice of professional soil science" includes the collection of soil data, consultation,

1investigation, evaluation, interpretation, planning or inspection relating to a service
2or work that applies that branch of geoscience that primarily involves soil science.
SB420,19,7 3(6) "Professional hydrologist" means a person who, by reason of his or her
4knowledge of that branch of geoscience that primarily involves hydrology, acquired
5by satisfying the requirements specified in rules promulgated by the department
6under s. 470.03 (1) (b), is qualified to use a title related to professional hydrology that
7is specified in s. 470.02 (1).
SB420,19,12 8(7) "Professional soil scientist" means a person who, by reason of his or her
9knowledge of that branch of geoscience that primarily involves soil science, acquired
10by satisfying the requirements specified in rules promulgated by the department
11under s. 470.03 (1) (b), is qualified to use a title related to professional soil science
12that is specified in s. 470.02 (1).
SB420,19,22 13470.02 Use of title. (1) No person may use the title "Wisconsin registered
14professional geologist", "Wisconsin registered geologist", "Wisconsin registered
15professional hydrologist", "Wisconsin registered hydrologist", "Wisconsin registered
16professional soil scientist" or "Wisconsin registered soil scientist", use any title or
17description that implies that he or she has been issued a certificate of registration
18as a professional geologist, hydrologist or soil scientist under this chapter or
19represent himself or herself as having been issued a certificate of registration as a
20professional geologist, hydrologist or soil scientist under this chapter unless he or
21she has been issued a certificate of registration as a professional geologist,
22hydrologist or soil scientist under this chapter.
SB420,20,2 23(2) This chapter does not prohibit a person who has not been issued a certificate
24of registration as a professional geologist, hydrologist or soil scientist under this

1chapter from engaging in the practice of professional geology, hydrology or soil
SB420,20,5 3470.03 Duties of department. (1) With the advice of the appropriate
4advisory council appointed under sub. (3), the department shall promulgate rules
5establishing all of the following:
SB420,20,106 (a) Requirements and standards for the practice of professional geology,
7hydrology or soil science by a person who is issued a certificate of registration as a
8professional geologist, hydrologist or soil scientist under this chapter, including a
9code of ethics that governs the practice of professional geology, hydrology or soil
SB420,20,1311 (b) Education or training requirements that a person must satisfy in order to
12be issued a certificate of registration as a professional geologist, hydrologist or soil
13scientist under this chapter.
SB420,20,17 14(2) With the advice of the appropriate advisory council appointed under sub.
15(3), the department may promulgate rules that establish continuing education
16requirements that a person must satisfy to be eligible to renew a certificate of
17registration that is issued under this chapter.
SB420,20,20 18(3) The department shall appoint professional geology, hydrology and soil
19science advisory councils under s. 15.04 (1) (c) to provide advice to the department
20with respect to promulgating the rules under subs. (1) and (2).
SB420,20,23 21470.04 Registration requirements. The department shall issue a certificate
22of registration as a professional geologist, hydrologist or soil scientist to a person who
23does all of the following:
SB420,20,25 24(1) Submits an application for the certificate to the department on a form
25provided by the department.
1(2) Pays the fee specified in s. 440.05 (1).
SB420,21,5 2(3) Subject to ss. 111.321, 111.322 and 111.335, submits evidence satisfactory
3to the department that he or she does not have an arrest or conviction record the
4circumstances of which substantially relate to the practice of professional geology,
5hydrology or soil science.
SB420,21,7 6(4) Submits evidence satisfactory to the department that he or she satisfies the
7requirements established in rules promulgated under s. 470.03 (1) (b).
SB420,21,8 8(5) Passes an examination under s. 470.05.
SB420,21,15 9470.05 Examination. The department shall conduct or arrange for
10examinations for registration as a professional geologist, hydrologist or soil scientist
11at least semiannually and at times and places determined by the department.
12Examinations under this section shall require an applicant to demonstrate
13minimum competency in subjects substantially related to the practice of professional
14geology, hydrology or soil science and may consist of one or more written or oral tests,
15or both.
SB420,21,21 16470.06 Reciprocal registration. Upon application and payment of the fee
17specified in s. 440.05 (2), the department may issue a certificate of registration as a
18professional geologist, hydrologist or soil scientist to a person who has been issued
19a similar certificate as a geologist, hydrologist or soil scientist by another state or
20territory of the United States or in another country if he or she submits evidence
21satisfactory to the department of all of the following:
SB420,21,24 22(1) That, subject to ss. 111.321, 111.322 and 111.335, he or she does not have
23an arrest or conviction record the circumstances of which substantially relate to the
24practice of professional geology, hydrology or soil science.
1(2) That the requirements of the other state, territory or country that issued
2the certificate are substantially equivalent to the requirements established in rules
3promulgated under s. 470.03 (1) (b).
SB420,22,10 4470.07 Renewal of registration. The renewal dates for certificates of
5registration granted under this chapter are specified under s. 440.08 (2) (a). Renewal
6applications shall be submitted to the department on a form provided by the
7department and shall include the renewal fee specified in s. 440.08 (2) (a) and
8evidence satisfactory to the department that the applicant has completed any
9continuing education requirements specified in rules promulgated under s. 470.03
SB420,22,14 11470.08 Disciplinary proceedings and actions. (1) Subject to the rules
12promulgated under s. 440.03 (1), the department may make investigations and
13conduct hearings to determine whether a violation of this chapter or any rule
14promulgated under this chapter has occurred.
SB420,22,18 15(2) Subject to the rules promulgated under s. 440.03 (1), the department may
16reprimand a person issued a certificate of registration under this chapter, or may
17limit, suspend or revoke the certificate of a person registered under this chapter, if
18the person has done any of the following:
SB420,22,2019 (a) Made a material misstatement in an application for a certificate of
20registration or for renewal of a certificate of registration.
SB420,22,2321 (b) Subject to ss. 111.321, 111.322 and 111.335, been arrested or convicted of an
22offense the circumstances of which substantially relate to the practice of professional
23geology, hydrology or soil science.
1(c) Been adjudicated mentally incompetent by a court of competent jurisdiction.
2A certified copy of the record of an adjudication of incompetency is conclusive
3evidence of incompetence under this paragraph.